The Rio de Janeiro Government, together with the National Bank of Development and a major waterworks company, have joined forces and through the offices of a fund dedicated to promoting biodiversion, have published an edictal offering grants for projects...
Rosangela Sousa
Rosângela studied in a secondary school at São Luís, capital of State of Maranhão, in the northeast of Brazil, where she lived to the age of 24.
She moved to Rio de Janeiro in 1990, for studying in high school and starting her professional life.
Also, she studied basic rules of governance (2013) and took a course of Assistant Administrative Services (2015).
She worked at two law offices as a team support (2005 – 2010), before her current professional experience at SMA Lawyers.
Also, she has been part of a company of medical and hospital equipment, as a team support (2010–2013).
In the same year (2013), Rosângela started her professional activities at SMA.
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